The invitation to the renowned show SWR1 Leute is a special honor. On September 9th, 2024, a live interview will take place, focusing on design philosophy, the collaboration with Luigi Colani, and current projects. Prior to the event, an article was published announcing the upcoming appearance, highlighting the work as a designer and the legacy of Luigi Colani. The interview will not only be recorded but also filmed. It will be available afterward on Spotify and in the ARD Mediathek.
Designer Hellen Westerhof | 9.9.2024. 
The ambassador of design provocateur Luigi Colani. ​​​​​​​
The legitimate ambassador of design provocateur Luigi Colani. 
Hellen Westerhof is an internationally renowned designer and works with clients from various industries.
Luigi Colani: Inventor of rounded biodesign. 
Hellen Westerhof is Luigi Colani’s last master student – and, much like him, has a passion for everything that can be designed. She passes on his design philosophy to students as a university lecturer. Colani was known for his sharp words, but there was nothing sharp-edged about his design. Instead, he loved the soft curves with which he invented biodesign.
Alongside Colani, Hellen was active as a designer worldwide. 
Westerhof knew the now-deceased designer for 15 years and worked closely with him. She accompanied him to China, where she served as his creative director. Colani was revered as a master there, Westerhof recalls. Now, she carries on his legacy but is forging her own highly successful path.
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